After-school Enrichment Programs


Connecting businesses, ideas, and people for greater impact

We are ready to serve you differently.

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Success Project
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Creative Expression

Does your students love to explore and express themselves artistically? Do you think they should have the opportunity to explore their inner artist? If you answered yes, our Creative Expression Program is a perfect t. This program is a hands on practical opportunity to initially explore and develop the artist within. Students can expect to enjoy painting, drawing, sculpting, music, movement, and collage building with us.

Sports-Based Play

Does your students crave more action and activity in their daily life? Do you think they would benet from more movement, exercise or play? If you answered yes, our Sports-Based Play Program is a perfect t. This program incorporates various sports and activities to promote movement and sportsmanship while engaging in friendly team-based competition. Students can expect to enjoy an action packed, fast paced and fun time with us.

Condence & Self-Care

Does your students lack in the area of self-esteem and self-advocacy? Do you think they would benet from having an elevated self-appreciation, more condence or belief in their potential? If you answered yes, our Condence and Self-Care Program is a perfect t. This program focuses solely on the individual student. We help them see how wonderful they are and teach them the value of healthy self-care and self-talk. Students can expect to enjoy learning the art of self-reection and the ABCs of self-care.

Public Speaking

Do you think your students would benet from being more condent speaking publicly? Do you think they will need to be great at interviewing for college, a job or as part of their career path? If you answered yes, our Public Speaking Program is the perfect t. This program focuses solely on speaking publicly. Each student will learn strategies to develop, prepare, and deliver a speech while overcoming nervousness with condence. Students can expect to enjoy learning the art of public speaking and how leverage these skills in their education and career.


Do you think your students would benet from having better communication skills? Do you think they need good communication skills to be successful in their social lives and professional careers? Would they benet from practical age appropriate conict resolution strategies? If yes, then our Communication Program is a perfect t. This program focuses on verbal and non-verbal communication as well as improving emotional intelligence to become better communicators even in the midst of conict. Students can expect to enjoy healthy debates and learn to have productive discussions while maintaining rapport and mutual respect.

Interested in joining us?

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